Customer Support

Send an email to explaining the problem, or call (800) 321-4332 during business hours (8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. PST).

Once you have subscribed to One Step, you will receive an activation email with instructions on how to download the app or activate via the One Step website. It will also contain a separate license code for teachers and students.

If you did not receive the activation email, please contact and provide your name, district, and school.

Students follow the same activation process as provided in the activation email. Depending on your school’s device policy, if students are allowed to use their personal phones, print out the email so students can scan the QR code to take them to the App Store or Google Play Store.

If you did not receive the activation email, please contact and provide your name, district, and school.

Try closing all other apps on your phone and restart your phone. If the problem still persists, please send an email to explaining the problem, the type of device (iOS, Android, or website), and the browser you are using.

Sign out of the app. Close the app. Sign in again. If the problem persists, try closing all other apps on your phone and restart your phone. If you are still unsuccessful, please send an email to explaining the problem, the type of device (iOS, Android, or website), and the browser you are using.
